Fixing a broken Epic link

Fixing a broken Epic link

By Les Thompson

So, you're cruising the groups, and you find an epic that you want to join, but the dipstick who posted it used the wrong link.

Here's what he posted (which is the URL for the epic, but not the join link)

Here's what the link SHOULD look like:

You need 3 things to build the correct join link:
UserID 1001123201
EventID 189694004
Event Type 9

and here's the join URL broken down to it's component parts:
189694004 (the EventID)
9 (the type of event - 9 is a Behemoth)
1001123201 (the ID of the person who posted the link)

We have the event ID - it's in the URL he posted

We need the event type, which I've posted a list below - usually you know what kind it is, but if not, you can just swap in numbers until you get into the event.

To get the UserID of the person who posted the link, right-click on their profile picture, and open it in a new tab (in chrome - I'm not sure of the command to do it in FF or IE). The URL of the picture will be something like this "". Their userID is the number after the first underscore - in this case, it's 1001123201 (which in this case is my ID).

Swarm 1
Chimaera 3
Tremor Wyrm 2
Xeno Mothership 4
Shambler 5
Kraken 6
Titan 7
Cataclysm 8
Behemoth 9
Sentinel 10
Asphodel Vanguard 11
Typhon 12
Enclave Assault 13
Gorgon Wyrm 14
Mortifex 15
Lernaean Hydra 16
Black Lithid 17
Arachis 18
Jotun 19 (assumed)